Social Media services

Know you need a social media presence for you organisation, but don’t know where to start? We can help.

Why you need Social Media

If you don’t, you’re missing out on a huge audience. There are 4.2 billion active social media users, with 71% of small to midsize businesses using social media accounts to market their organisation.

A well executed social media marketing strategy will lead to increased visibility for your business and charity. Creating interesting and relevant content means people will interact and share with you, increasing you exposure.

Social Media helps you understand your customers on another level. It helps you learn their interests, their needs and their behaviours. Create content which appeals directly to your audience. It also helps to build long term relationships with your customers, increasing interaction, nurturing those relationships and showing you care about your customers.

How we can help

We can help develop a strategy which targets the most relevant audience for your organisation. We can teach you all about Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram and work out where you should be focussing your energy. We can even take over your social media management if you’re still not sure how to implement the strategy - we can tailor and create content especially for your niche. We are full of creative ideas, up to date on trends and can plan content in advance if you have a specific campaign or event coming up. Need more help? Our services also include social media training sessions, so if you want to focus on one platform we can show you how.


Do you need someone to manage your social media as you just don’t have the time? Don’t have a dedicated social media guru in your office? Then leave it to us.

We offer monthly retainers for social media management at either 10, 15 or 20 hours depending on your needs. This can include influencer engagement, posting content and managing comments, connecting with your audiences via messages and enquiries on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter or Facebook. Depending on the level of editing and creativity required this could mean posts going up every day - we’ll divide your retainer time in a way that best suits you.

Prices start at £350


So you know your TikTok from your Twitter and how to create content and post, but you don’t know how to best utilise social media for your organisation. We can help.

Rather than just aimlessly posting with no end goal, we can help you develop a proper social media strategy which will define how you post and interact with your audience.

We’ll work on the strategy with you to find out what your goals are, who your audience is and which platforms are best to reach them. We’ll also help you come up with content ideas which you can then undertake yourself.

This is a one off payment depending on your requirements with follow up email support.


Do you have a small team who all chip in on your marketing and social media? Have you heard of TikTok and how good it could be for your business, but you’ve no idea how to start? Book a training session with us.

We offer dedicated training sessions in house or online for Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and even a session on social media as a marketing tool in general.

Contact us for a bespoke package tailored to your organisation.